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Stash your cash

I read an article last week that got me thinking. The article reminded the reader about the fact that whether you are approaching retirement age or are decades away, you need to be thinking about what they called “the safest places to stash your cash”. Too many times...

Growth for Beneficiaries

Life insurance can be complicated. There are several different types of life insurance, and finding the right type for your needs is important. Term life insurance, where coverage expires after a certain number of years, is one type, meanwhile, permanent insurance,...

Our future selves

I read an article last week about the benefits of thinking about yourself in future terms. The idea being that many of us feel little connection to the person we will be years from now, and that leads to a shortsighted behavior that actually hurts us in the long run....

What does it actually mean?

We often hear the phrase “The market is up” or “The market is down” and we think we have either made money [or lost out on making money] or we have lost money. The problem is the phrase is rarely connected to anything that has real meaning to us personally. Why is...

Most vulnerable

There has been an uptick in what regulators call Romance Fraud schemes and studies have been done to try to pinpoint when seniors are most vulnerable. Not surprisingly it is between twelve and twenty-four months after losing a loved one, moving or becoming less mobile...

You cannot have your cake and eat it too

Perhaps there is more truth to this saying than we want to admit. This year has been tumultuous, with markets declining and interest rates increasing. Were we all soothsayers we would be rich beyond our dreams. But we aren’t and it is disingenuous to think about the...

Getting it Right

Sometimes it is best to start with the basics. If you are planning for retirement are you contributing enough to your 401(k) to get your company’s full employee match? Think of it as free money. Have you paid off high-interest rate debt you may be carrying....


From time to time it is a good idea to review the basics. This week’s article does just that. Take a look and see if you agree that it does a good job of discussing the many types of annuities, the nature of the underlying investment, the primary purpose of an...


While inflation has certainly been in the news lately, one topic that doesn’t seem to be discussed all that often is private pensions, unlike Social Security payments, typically don’t offer a cost-of-living adjustment that keeps pace with inflation rates. While State...

Some things never change

“On the surface, retirement planning hasn’t changed all that much over the years. You work, you save and then you retire. But while the mechanics may be the same, today’s savers are facing some challenges that previous generations didn’t have to worry about.” Those...




Educate Yourself

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Understand the Basics

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Who's who in a Fixed Index Annuity

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Understand the Benefits

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Tax Deferral

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Indexed Interest Potential

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Protection Benefits

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