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Where you end up focusing

Tax-advantaged accounts, or qualified accounts, allow your portfolio to grow without the impact of taxes, a major benefit when it comes to savings for your goals. For retirement, there are multiple account options to choose from, and tax rules will most likely vary...

Know your proverb

Slow and steady wins the race is an idiom we have all heard, but rarely do we think to apply it to how we approach retirement planning. Taking a slower, more consistent approach often leads to a better outcome. It is easy to forget that and to take risks in order to...

What Every Saver Needs to Know

This week’s article focuses on the fact that while “everyone’s retirement is different, 2022 is going to have some big differences from 2021 that will affect almost every retiree and retirement saver to some degree”. We’ve provided you with a link to the article so...

Biggest Risks to Your Retirement

You’ve saved for years and have finally retired, and yet, there are so many world events going on, both domestically and abroad that the only constant now is change. The news is full of commentaries about market declines and inflation. What can be done to reduce those...

What does it mean to me?

We’ve received questions from some of our readers asking what a hike in the Fed rate means to them, and so we reached out to an investment strategist to see what was being said. “This year’s expected series of rate hikes, the first since 2015, marks the beginning of...

Reminder to Take Advantage

With the due date for filing tax returns fast approaching, you may be getting ready to make your 2021 contribution into your IRA or other qualified account. Since we are already into 2022 you can take advantage of that and consider doubling down and also making your...


With so much going on around us in the market, it is difficult for many of our clients to have time to hit pause and think about the impact of taxes on their retirement savings. We thought to make it easier for you by sharing an up-to-date 2022 Tax Reference Guide for...

Pension Fund lost more than $3 million Last week

Most of us are asking what impact Russia’s invasion on Ukraine has on us personally, and NBC News helped answer that question– at least for those who are retired teachers in Kentucky. The Kentucky Teachers’ Retirement System lost more than $3 million last week in...

Think of it like a “Windfall”

We are well into tax season which means more and more individuals are beginning to think about their tax refunds, and what to do with them. The answer always relates to how healthy the individual’s cash flow is. If you like the feeling of getting a “windfall” in the...

Are you still on track?

Plenty of factors go into understanding whether you are on track to meet your financial goals for retirement, including not just what you have set aside in savings and investments, but your rate of return, and inflation. With the ever-changing market conditions, and...




Educate Yourself

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Understand the Basics

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Who's who in a Fixed Index Annuity

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Understand the Benefits

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Tax Deferral

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Indexed Interest Potential

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Protection Benefits

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